Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why "The Roadie"?

For some of us, throughout our lives we have been "wowed" by the live performances of music groups. During concerts we have been inspired and amazed by the talent of musicians, vocalists, and songwriters through their ability to convey different thoughts and emotions via their gifts. However, the most talented & entertaining performers all have the assistance of a crew of workers who's job is to manage the instruments, lighting, and sound equipment for some of your favorite live acts. These people are informally known as "the Roadies". These  Roadies often receive little credit for the work that "sets the stage" for some awe-inspiring events.
Through this blog we home to serve others more efficiently in presenting the current events of the Emmaus Prayer Meeting. We hope that this would further our outreach by posting testimonies, scripture reflections, & poetry. We pray that this online tool would be a source of service, information, and expression.


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